Danny Nalliah this barrage is for you! I don't even know where to begin with this moron. I guess I better start with his latest insensitive rant that made its way to the Age Newspaper recently.
Firstly I would like to say without any apology that I take this kind of misconception personally. I have good mates that I work with. One has lost his family to these fires and others are coming and going from the horrific scenes there with stories that eat you from the inside out. Mr. Nalliah you might need to take a walk in the shoes of some of these guys for a day or two to get some perspective on the devastation that you inadvertently played down with this B*#@$&!t political agenda of yours. What infuriates me more is that you are on a pedestal in front of many proclaiming you are a minister showing the way and love of Christ and many have lapped up this vile filth coming from your mouth without question. All the while the public watches you from the sidelines making judgements on your Christianity. I can already see what the verdict is! Anyway enough about you.
I want to give praise and admiration to a man who exemplifies true Christianity in this truly horrific event. All I know is his first name is Thomas and they had a brief story of his selfless and truly beautiful and inspirational efforts on TV last night after the news. He was one of the lucky ones living in one of the areas affected: his house and family both came through; He has a business that allows him to have access to generators and electrical equipment. He has been able to use his contacts and knowhow to restore immediate water and electricity to many of his neighbours. He has worked tirelessly since the fires to make as many in his community as comfortable as possible in the aftermath. He has opened his home to five families (the most he could reasonably fit). He intends to secure the temporary use of caravans to bring onto his property to help up to twenty more families. No one in his community are surprised at what he is accomplishing. "He was always like that. It's just him... he helps everyone... its his nature... he would do this for anyone."
His own words betray his selfless nature "Don't look at me I'm not the hero. All these folks who have lost family, lost homes walking around today with smiles on their faces... they're the real heroes. I'm just doing what anyone else would do."
If his late night torch lit Bar B Que at his home with the families staying with him is not a picture of Communion in this blackened community I don't know what is.
It's not that hard to see where Jesus is hanging out in the aftermath of this devastation.
Obviously Tom's actions are a somewhat infectious and other inspired members of communities all around are giving what they can.
Here's some video of what Bushfire Tom's up to. Just pan down and look for "Bushfire Tom" tab on the left.
The bit about Simon is all sorts of awesome. If that's not the epitome of "pure religion, undefiled", I don't know what is.
As for that rant in The Age? Sounds like something Jerry Falwell or Fred Phelps would say. (The less I say what I think/thought of those two, the better!) Nalliah can sod right off.
Sorry Shelly I had the wrong name for this guy and I changed it. More about this Thomas is that after he saved his home and went checking on neighbours he found one badly burnt but still alive. He took him back to his house and layed him in his pool until medical help could break through to them. And "Sod right off" that's an exquisite way of putting it!
Thanks for visiting Wookie. Yes it's funny you should mention the Muslim community. They are the ones Nalliah was challenged by a couple of years ago. Nalliah made inciting and hateful comments about the whole community and they took him to court testing Victoria's new Religeous Vilification Laws at that time. Nalliah lost that one at court. It was a good indicator of his bitter, insensitive and bigoted nature. Not much has changed over the years.
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