I seem to be getting stuck on the concepts of inequality and greed at the moment. I've been reading a commentary on inequality in the U.S called Greed and Good by Labor Journalist Sam Pizzigati. An extremely interesting read. If you are curious about how corporate executives operate and acquire their outrageously huge fortunes this is the gloves off no holds barred version. I didn't know anything about stock options before reading this so it has been a big eye opener. This book rides pretty rough shod over Corporate America showing in layman's terms how the fortunes are made at the top at the expense of the companies themselves, the workers in them and consumers. Trust me if you weren't angry about CEO pay packets before reading this you will be spitting chips afterwards (Corporate Executives exempted of course).
The bigger picture this book paints however is of that storm in the distance. That's the more worrying part. The storm of huge corporations being gutted from the inside as Executives continue to merge smaller companies into bigger corporations and then downsize them by laying off hundreds of thousands of workers. The storm of these corporations shuddering and convulsing internally because merging and combining of ideas and people doesn't actually improve productivity - its just a bigger mess that's harder to manage. The storm that is fed as CEO's jump from one corporation to another using merges and downsizing as tools to manufacture quick fortunes that further eat away at the companies and their workers from the inside.
So here's a picture for you. Just to help you envisage that storm as it rages on through. Fittingly this picture is for that recently released film about an 'unseen' monster. Trust me when I say that the 'monster' is already present. It does its damage socially and economically. The problem is that the damage is harder to immediately see.
P.S the words next to the picture are from another A Perfect Circle song called Pet. Fitting words if you can imagine Corporate America patting the general public on the head saying: "stay with me safe and ignorant" "pay no mind to the rabble" "step away from the window and go back to sleep."
hey josh!
simon here. thanks for introducing yourself the other day on my blog! I heard your name mentioned by my friends from the A2E conference. Love what your writing about mate. be great to have a yarn with you one day! you heading into the palm sunday peace rally? drop us an email maybe.
Thanks for the comment bloke. I will try and make that peace rally. Where and what time is it? I lost your e-mail address that the girls gave me. I'll give you mine its: jchuddo71@hotmail.com
hopefully we can catch up at some point.
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