Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I was in bed reading last night. A good book: Everything Must Change - Brian Mclaren. My mind often wanders during reading. It tends to do that when good, previously unexplored ideas are put forward. Anyway the thoughts were surrounding two words being Spirituality and Superior. As my mind was combining the words to Superituality a definition was kind of flowing with it.... Work with me here.
It came as: "Superituality" (n) treading on another's dearly held personal beliefs by spouting superiority complexified 'spiritual' crap.

Yes I've seen the action plenty of times before in many a different church setting but there's never been a definition for it. Might make for a good T-shirt. Just a thought. Just an idea.

While on ideas for T-shirts: Mclaren has a lot of quality lists he brings out in his writing. With a little plaguerism here's the idea:

Front: Me Issues:
My soul, My eternal destiny, My blessings

Back: Real Issues:
Systemic Injustice, Inherent Poverty, Global Ecological Catastrophe

I'm sure there's plenty to add to either list but you get the drift.

T-shirts for the subversive minded to wear to church!!

1 comment:

Valorosa said...


I guess the shirts might raise awareness ... you most likely will be pulled aside and told to conform.

Let me know how it goes :-)