Here's a recent e-mail as part of a bunch sent to me by Pat Mesiti's Millionaire Mindset Club. I e-mailed them to try to point out some of the problems I see with their endeavors to create 1,000 new millionaires over the next 12 months or so...
For some perspective on those who do not know Pat. He was a christian minister in the pentecostal movement in Australia for some years. I remember him best as a motivational speaker at Youth Alive Rally's in the 1990's.
Dear Josh,
I am concerned that we have not heard from you yet. This is really important so can you please take a few minutes to read this email?
There is only one opportunity this year for you to receive my ultimate gift worth over $8,000 – four days of luxury at the Versace on the Gold Coast, with myself and my personal mentors. I really want you to have this gift, can you imagine how great it would feel to receive this? Let me tell you, it would mean even more to me, because I know for me personally, the gift is in the giving.
There is only one opportunity this year for you and I to get together with some of the best entrepreneurial minds in Australia. If you don’t get in touch soon, you will miss out and that may cost you the breakthrough that I know in your heart you wish for.
My millionaire makers series bootcamps are just around the corner, there are a few seats remaining and if you register now by clicking on the link below, and come to the event, you will go in to the draw for my ultimate gift at the Versace.
I know, this is an amazing gift and an amazing opportunity, but what would you do if you were me? I am so passionate about my role as a prosperity mentor and I have to live according to my message. Abundance creates Abundance and I am doing everything I can to create these abundant opportunities for you.
But I really need your help and for to you to take action right now - here are the dates and the venues.
You are welcome to register yourself and a friend, or you can simply forward this email to them and they can register themselves.

Pat Mesiti
P.S. My ultimate gift at the Versace includes your accommodation, food, entertainment (you wont believe the cast of entertainers!) PLUS, you will be socialising with my personal mentors and me for four days! What’s more, this event is happening this year - you may be only months away from the ultimate experience! So make sure you register now for the upcoming millionaire makers series bootcamps now.
P.P.S Don’t forget, I put the millionaire makers series events on at no cost to you, your tickets are free to ensure that finances do not stand between you and the breakthrough you are waiting for!
P.P.P.S You can not learn from the seminar you don’t attend - just one good idea from the team of entrepreneurial teachers I have lined up could change your life, but you have to be there to find out!
Here was my reply...
I guess it's a little naive of me to think that you actually read the e-mails but I'll say Pat anyway.
I wish to notify you that I emphatically decline your generous gift worth $8000 imploring you to spend this on more worthwhile causes. Investing in micro loans for the self sustainability of the world's poorest, digging life giving wells or perhaps just convincing some of your millionaire mindset friends to re think their outsourcing of slave labor to the third world so they can get back on their feet themselves.
I could not help but answer your question at the top "what would you do if you were me?" Well where to begin...?
If I were you I would perhaps:
1) Stop myself in whatever I was doing to contemplate my place in this world. Perhaps reminding myself of my connection to all people and nature on this globe and my responsibility not to rape, pillage or make war with them/it. This would necessitate a contemplation of the systemic violence perpetrated by the global free market capitalism juggernaut that sustains my own comfort and wealth.
A violence that is as faceless as the ideas, laws, corporate decisions and stock options that sit in the driver's seat of a vehicle that inspires visions that are apocalyptic in magnitude.
2) Stop and consider the number of people turned away from my self made "in crowd". As on one hand I create a financial apartheid of 1, 000 millionaires over the rest of my fellow Australians and on the other hand I strain an already flailing capitalist system forcing it to gorge even further into the natural resources and human labor of the second and third world.
Pat let us stop pretending that our huge wealth in the west is not sustained by equally huge numbers of overworked slave laborers in other countries. Let us instead recognise the system as a whole for what it is and begin to take action to right the terrible wrongs.
I implore you on this subject siting the life and words of a man I have heard you speak of in many years past. This man you would know well as one who chose homelessness for the crucial three years of his ministry. One who placed himself in the shoes of the downtrodden, the poorest of the poor, the sick, the lonely and those in prison in order that those who follow him would look after them and more than that be with them and alongside them in their suffering. One who constantly reminded his closest followers that to be the first in his kingdom required them to become a servant of all. One who constantly clashed with the ruling authorities of his day, both political and religious, leaving a template of subversion and justice against oppressive regimes for any who dared follow.
Dare you follow that man today Pat? That man who laid down a similar ultimatum to a rich young ruler in his day. Give up your wealth to be shared among us and follow me. Remembering that the rich young ruler walked...and the man with the message that matters... let him go.
Again I am not naive and I don't expect this to actually reach you but if by some miracle you read this I hope it nourishes a part of you I feel has been starved and starves a part of you that has pigged out for too long!
Best (and worst) wishes,
Josh Hudson.