Monday, February 18, 2008

53.4 bloody per cent

This was a picture I saw a few months back (I made a few of my own additions) The idea behind it is based around the surprising recent statistic that 53.4% of global arms production is produced by the United States. I guess it's not hard to figure out who gets paid the most when war breaks out. It depicts of course one of the more fierce symbols of the U.S. armada being the M1A1 Abrams main battle tank. Each of which can make an instant misery of a place within a 2km radius of wherever it's parked. Interestingly the cost of one of these could easily: feed 100,000 starving folks; shelter 50,000; or perhaps dig life giving wells for 1000 villages.

But no lets go on driving fear into the hearts of people with these things because after all: if you don't have enough enemies or terrorists - who will we sell arms to? and how will we justify the outrageous expense of our own security? and keep folks like Abrams, Lockheed and Mcdonnel/Grumman in the business of finding ever more efficient and devastating ways of killing people?

Normally I'd say forgive my sarcasm but stuff it I'm not apologising

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