I have been reaching back into my metal music archives after recently hearing the latest album from Metallica. This new album is harking back to older familiar sounds of theirs.
As always I'm drawn back to old favorites when I hear the familiar sound and could not help listening to one of their more impacting and enduring tracks - Fade to Black.
Its theme fits well with recent news covering the health and wellbeing of the twenty somethings in our (better? superior? functional? capitalistic)society.
I also remember vividly the church's line on such music. As you can imagine it was not all that well received or accepted.
Inadvertently this line on such music effectively separated church people from these 'sorts'. Hmmm another thing I don't agree with church about. Never mind I would probably find those 'sorts' more accepting, more realistic regarding life's issues and easier to talk to than most church people anyway.
So as I listen again to the words and great music of this song I am reminded of those living on the fringe. Those that are out of most people's sight but never God's. And I ask myself the question...what makes this song so moving, so enduring and so relevant to those on the fringe? I'll let you make up your own mind on that one.
Also as I listen I remember the younger brother of a good friend of mine who used to listen to all this and other great music with us when we were younger. My friend although distant still remains but his younger brother found solace at the end of a rope barely into his twenties. It brings home the grim reality.
Have a listen and as you do have a thought for the kids mentioned in the article:
ONE sixth of Australians aged 23-24 suffer depression or anxiety.
ONE sixth engage in anti-social behaviour.ONE fifth use marijuana, other illegal drugs, or are regular binge drinkers.
ONE fifth have a long-term physical or mental health problem.
Overall, 40 per cent showed severe signs of problems including depression, anxiety, antisocial behaviour or illegal drug-taking.
The study also found that alcohol use increased markedly for many in their mid-20s - most particularly among moderate drinkers.
I'm having trouble putting the video here i'll post it on my facebook for you